På arbejdspladsen

Fertilitetsproblemer er ingen spøg, især ikke på arbejdspladsen. Se vores serie af #ProjectFamily #FertilityAwks historier fortalt førstehånds af medlemmer af Trying to Conceive-fællesskabet.

#FertilityAwks standup shows

The baby shower

Fertility issues are no joke, especially at a baby shower.

The swimming pool

Fertility issues are no joke, especially at the swimming pool!

Your holidays

Fertility issues are no joke, especially on your holidays.

At Christmas

Fertility issues are no joke, especially at Christmas.

Behind the scene

Find out what prompted Seetal from @savlafaire to speak out about that baby shower in our latest behind the scenes video.

In at the deep

In at the deep end with more #FertilityAwks


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